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Sellaite Private Notes 1.3 Signed
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This program is suitable for anyone who has an mobile phone running on the Symbian OS. Users, who use this device, not only for communication, but also as a tool for storing additional information, may appreciate it. The Private Notes application gives to you the best choice if You want quickly and easily create, delete or edit text notes. At any time, having at hand onlythe phone, you can easily save, record or hide the information what you need.
The advantage using of this application, before using the standard programs or built-in software with the same type is thatthe storage of notes, carried out under a more secure way, controlled by the user. The password protection as tools for preventing access to reading your notes by the third parties, and saving files into the private area of file system gives the additional confidence that they will be stored in a safe places and will not be damaged or removed.
This program does not use any algorithms for data encryption. The basic level of protection based on the built-in operating system functionality like a separation of access to the system files from the user data.
PIN: 12345
PIN Reset: 54321
Localisation: Russian, English