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Simple Presentations 1.4
Screen Shots:
Easily build and display a professional presentation directly on your iPad, or iOS device. You can also use an iPhone to HDMI, or iPhone to VGA cable to display the presentation on a digital projector.
It is easy to set up the presentation using combinations of text and image slides. The presentation has a default background image, background color, and font size and color. And each slide defaults to using those, but can override any of them if necessary.
If you have your presentation text in a plain text file you can easily paginate it so that when you are presenting the slide it becomes a sequence of pages.
So all you need to do is copy the file over using iTunes, add one slide. And you have a complete presentation ready to go.
You can move forward and backward through the presentation by simply swiping right and left on your iPad. Or you can set the presentation to automatically change slides based on a timer.
(so it's easy to set up a Pecha-Kucha [20 slides, 20 seconds each] presentation too).
And you can present it in portrait or landscape mode, without having to re-edit the presentation.
Simple Presentation is great for a one on one sales presentation.
Super easy to make prefessional presentations with a simple theme.
It's also perfect for church displays.
You can have the paginated text files for all your regular songs already on the iPad ready to go.
Adding a song to the order of service by adding a file slide and pointing it at the correct song file. done.
It really is easy to create professional presentations.
It is even easier to present them. Just press "play" and start swiping.
We make building the presentation easy, so you only have to worry about what it says.
Dependency's developers have 30 years of professional commercial software development experience. This isn't just a hobby for us, it's what we do for a living. So this app isn't free. But it doesn't contain any advertising. And priced around the same as a good coffee, we think they are really great value for money.
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if all you do is write a review we have no way to contact you. if you want to write a review please go ahead, but please email us too to give us a chance to contact you and to resolve your issue.