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Speedup Player Pro 2.0.3
Screen Shots:
Listen to your iPod collections at 0.5X - 2.5X speed. Supports multitasking, remote controller. Study mode(A/B repeat, quick rewind/forward), sleep timer.
* Save time listening to podcasts and audiobooks. Play at any speed!
* Study mode helps you learn more effectively.
* Sleep timer can save your battery while you sleep.
SpeedUp Player features:
- Variable speed playback: 0.5X(half speed) - 2.5X (0.1X interval)
- Preserve pitch(tone) while changing playback speed.
- Play directly from your iPod collection. No conversion required. (supports music/podcasts/audiobooks)
- Full iOS4 multitasking support.
- Remote controller support.
- Sleep timer (pause after 10/20/30/60/120 minutes)
- A/B repeat : repeat interval using simple button press
a. set A
b. set B : repeat A-B
c. cancel repeat
- Configurable quick rewind/forward buttons. 4 buttons can be set individually.
- Extremely fast iPod library browsing (disk+memory based cache)
- Browse by album/artist/songs/playlists/podcasts
- Simple playlist
- Pause/resume on phone call(audio interruption).
- Pause when headphone is unplugged.
- Music tracks can be set to be played at 1X.
- video tracks are not supported.
- does not support DRM protected files.