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Writeroom 3.2.8
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** FREE while we work on PlainText updates **
For Writers. WriteRoom is the original distraction-free writing environment. WriteRoom attempts nothing more than to create a quiet place for you to write.
• DISTRACTION-FREE INTERFACE keeps your text in focus.
• DROPBOX SYNCED FOLDERS keep your documents organized.
• FONTS & COLORS make the environment yours.
“WriteRoom Takes iPad Text Editor Crown”
— Charlie Sorrel,
"WriteRoom is an excellent, distraction-free, writing app"
— William Deal, (9/10)
MORE FEATURES: Word Count, Extended Keyboard Row for iPad, Search for Files, Custom Line Height, Screen Brightness, TextExpander Support, Automatic & Manual Sync, iTunes Document Sharing, Clean Fullscreen Mode, Print & Email, Startup Passcode, Link Detection, Draggable Scroller, Autocorrect On/Off, Document & Folder Sorting.
ALTERNATIVES: Clean Writer, Daedalus touch, Elements, iA Writer, My Writing Nook, Nebulous Notes, Notesy, PlainText, SimpleNote, Writings.
WriteRoom for iOS only works with plain text formats.