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X Plore V.1.40 1.40
Screen Shots:
Version: 1.40 (Version history)Use the unregistered version as long as you wish.
If you like the application, please buy it - you'll get faster application start-up and close, customer support, free upgrades, and you'll help us to further improve this application.
What you get
Folder tree
Audio preview
Video preview
Image viewer
Text viewer
Zip explorer
Sending files
Messaging Inbox
Hex editor
View all drives / folders / fileson phone in tree view*
Integrated text and image viewer
View file details
Edit file attributes (hidden, read-only, etc)
Rename and delete files
Create or edit text file
lian Latvian Azeri
French Hungarian Portuguese
German Turkish Finnish
Dutch Ukrainian
Licensing information:
The X-plore license is transferable to your new device during two years after the purchase, with a maximum of three times. Click here to transfer your purchased license to new the device.
We provide technical and customer support for this application for up to two years from the date of purchase.