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Epocware.handy.phoneguard.v1.0.89 V1.0.89
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Handy Phoneguard is an efficient smartphone protection application. Safeguard your phone, any data and access to applications just keeping one password in mind. Use invisible SMS commands to lock a device and wipe private information in case your phone was lost or stolen.
Handy Phoneguard features:
* Autolock on Power On or at a given period of time
* Password protection for your private info (Calendar, Contacts, Log, Messages, Photos, Videos, Files, Settings)
* Optional protection for the chosen applications
* Autolock at receiving LOCK SMS from any other phone. In locked mode Handy Phoneguard hides all apps with screen wide window and blocks access to your phone.
* Removal of all essential information (Contacts, Messages, ToDoNotes, Log entries, Documents, Pictures, Videos) at receiving WIPE SMS.
* Sending alert messages to predefined phone when a new Sim card is inserted.
Fixed bugs:
* Auto lock delay can be 00:00
* Handy Phoneguard doesn’t block ProfiMail_S60, SmartMovie_S60
* Blocker did not display owner info correctly
* Other minor bug fixes