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Fe Explore Pro Final 2.00
Screen Shots:
File and folder explorer for Symbian s60v3v5 & s60^3 devices.
* in a search, if a directory is found, the right key enters into this folder.
* the full path of the files is displayed while browsing the inbox, process and tasks.
* A check (with a message) is now performed before copying or moving files to ensure there is free space enough on the destination drive.
* in the 'tools menu', added a function to directly call the bluetooth manager.
* added a progress dialog with the name of the file being copied.
* in the hex viewer, the keys '3' and '9' can be used as page-up, page-down.
* in the hex viewer, when in full screen mode, the file is displayed on 8 bytes, the ascii characters are displayed at the top, line per line.
* in the hex viewer, with small files, corrected a bug to avoid FE to panic and exit when going down 'too deeply' in the text.
* added a function in the 'edit' menu to invert the selection of the current directory - marked files and dir become un-marked and un-marked become marked.
* it's now possible to mark folders (like the files) and copy/cut/paste them with the files.
* added the latest phones in the phone type list (3230,6680,6681,6682,N70,N90).
* added, in the 'tools' menu, an option to dump (into a log file placed in the root) a list of *all* the installed applications with their UID and their path; this file can then be sended to the pc via bluetooth, infrared; the result is something like this (06/29/2005) :
* when displaying the full path in the 'small scrolling windows (key : [2)', the [1 key copies the full path and filename into the clipboard to be used in the notepad, ....
* after a 'compress memory', the new -free memory- value is displayed in the navigation pane (ie: the screen is refreshed).
* fixed the bug to avoid to use 2 times the 'NO' key on exit.
* the attributes of a file can now be modified.
* it's now possible to save the screenshots either in the phone memory or in the MMC.
* like the processes, the currently running tasks can be displayed, kill