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Ion Batterytimer 1.05
Screen Shots:
Did you ever concern if your battery survive the whole day while far from the A or did you experience unexpected battery drain down over a day? If so, using iON BatteryTimer for S60 will appreciable improve your day-to-day smartphone experience.
* Provides information about:
o Operating time remaining to complete discharge,
o Estimated future date and time of the battery being completely discharged,
o How long the battery holds its charge on average,
* Fast and handy access to remaining operating time at the home/standby screen.
* Power saver with additional the ‘big’ battery levels percentages indicator, built-in system notifications (e.g. missed calls, messages, unread emails, current profile, keypad lock).
Precautions :
During the installation you will be prompted for accepting required installation on your device memory not an additional card (uses small amount of memory, about 150kb). It also needs background ‘Core’ process which must starts automatically each boot time and utilizes device CPU in less than 1% once per minute.
Whats New :
* The latest iON version 1.05 with S60 5th support and 3rd edition improvements.
* Now app will be installed on drive E:\
* 5 ImageMod - Standart, AcidSonic, Pinstripe by Shilka, Bamper mod, Moncc mod
* 2 Laguages - English, Russian
* App signed by root cert of BiNPDA