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Light Signal Plus 1.50
Screen Shots:
Hi Friends,
PhonePhreak Software Light Signal Plus v1.50 S60v3 S60v5 Symbian OS9.x unsigned Cracked.
Tired of having to tap the screen in order to see if you have missed a message or a call - each time when you have left your phone alone for some time? Light Signal Plus makes you notice right at a glance!
With Light Signal Plus, all three keys will start blinking silently after there has been a new message or call that you have not noticed. Like a regular answering machine, your phone will be blinking silently - just so that you know there is a message, and can choose to attend to it whenever you wish!
Light Signal Plus has been designed to have the keys blink only when it makes sense. I.e. when a message arrives while you are currently in an app, Light Signal Plus assumes that you have taken notice, so the keys will not blink. Light Signal Plus activates the blinking only when there are no app windows open.
What's New :-
Some Minor Bug's Are Fixed..!
About Crack :-
Program Unlocked ..!
Their Might Be Having Some Problem With S60v3 because This Application is Build for Series 60v5 Phones ONLY.