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NiceClock Lite for Series 60 deion
NiceClock Lite is 3-in-1 software product that implements a screensaver, made in a style of pocket watch and having an option of appearance, modification, as well as keyboard locking.
NiceClock Lite is a "light-weight" version of regular NiceClock. "Heavy" functions that were not very claimed by customers but required significant resources and caused incompatibility problems, were removed. Other helpful features were added instead of.
Here are some key features of "NiceClock Lite for Series 60":
÷ Installation instead of standard screensaver
÷ Processing of exogenous events: voice call, SMS
÷ Modification of appearance: full set of skins, support of antialiasing
÷ Ability to install external skins (distributed separately)
÷ Displaying of days of week, date of month, current time
÷ Auxiliary indicators: receiver's level, battery charge level
÷ Management of screensaver's timeout
÷ Automatic keyboard locking
÷ Symbian OS v.6.1 Series 60 devices.
÷ Application requires 1,5 MB for installation and up to 450 KB of free memory to function.
÷ 7 days trial.