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Resco Photo Viewer 6.00
Screen Shots:
Hi Friends,
Resco Photo Viewer v6.00 S60V5 Cracked FOXPDA SIGNED.
New Features in version 6.00
* Fully Touch-Optimized
The application is now fully touch optimized for Symbian devices with touch-screen technology. Additional buttons support the touch-handling (zoom with interactive zoom slider, send, color adjustment, delete, crop, slideshow, rotation and navigation buttons). For non touch-screen devices these buttons are not visible.
* Interactive Work with Slideshow
Users gain ability to move to the next image or set parameters such as music volume or slideshow speed during the slideshow itself.
* Gesture for Navigation between Images
Drag an image horizontally more than half of the screen to switch to the next/previous image. A transition effect appears.
* New Crop Tools — 2 new crop options – crop to screen & save screen.
How to Register-
Open Application than click register
Replace IMEI (number) with (in capital) FOXPDA-TEAM
Enter code 50574 or 16140 or 03862