This Version of Spb ultimate edition 43d for s60v5 with flip fontspb_ultimate_edition_4.0_by_manish.sisx.part2 3.07 was added on 08-07-2015 in our apps store. It has been downloaded for free by 119 times by our valuable users. Download Latest Version of Spb ultimate edition 43d for s60v5 with flip fontspb_ultimate_edition_4.0_by_manish.sisx.part2 3.07 for Free. is online mobile phone app stock so you come and enjoy unlimited free downloads. Other versions of Spb ultimate edition 43d for s60v5 with flip fontspb_ultimate_edition_4.0_by_manish.sisx.part2 3.07 may also available in our Mobile App store you can search them from related software category.
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Spb Ultimate Edition 43d For S60v5 With Flip Fontspb_ultimate_edition_4.0_by_manish.sisx.part2 3.07
Screen Shots:
Must Do: Read Carefully
{download all three files;
rename sisx to zip then extract it to a specific folder.
1. Exit SPBShell first
2. Copy all files to Spbshell folder to E: others SPBShell
3. Delete SpbShell_20028b16.reg file from C: system apps
4. Delete the file E: Private 20028b16 SpbShellBackup.reg
(Use Xplore or Nokia File Browser for the Purpose. It can also be done with PC in Mass Storage Mode)
5. Copy spbmobileshell.rgs to E: Private 20028b16 (Must Do it)
6. Run spb mobile shell.
About MSettings.set File:
This files contains the settings that I have created for my phone. If u use it, u
will get the same look as in the Preview Picture on ur phone. U r free to use it or not,
and customize the shellin ur own style. To use it, first of all put the .set file
anywhere in ur phone. Tap on the Top Left corner of ur screen,
select a window titled 'SPB Menu', choose 'Settings', NOW tap on the Left Bottom corner,
choose 'Restore Settings', then browse to the MSettings.set file and select it. Wait until
the shell restarts.The settings wud be loaded automatically.
Note: Tap on the Top Right Corner for Carousal, and Left for Options
Please follow the rules in the use of .reg and .rgs files. They are very important.
I hope U like it. Report me if u find any bugs.
Dont Forget to CLICK the Green Arrow (Thanks) Button bellow my Name.
download 3rd part................