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Taiyoukei 2.06
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To date, the classic "Taiyoukei" is the largest database of the Solar System and beyond for Pocket PCs, now rolled out as version 2.00 with updates and restructured menus.
The program is believed to run on Pocket PC 2003, WM5 and WM6, including QVGA and VGA screens, as long as the device allows installation of VB runtimes.
1. Ephemerides
2. Chart views from all planets
3. data and visualizations of natural satellites
4. Eclipses and inner planet transits
5. Meteor shower data by month
6. Comet ephemerides
7. Minor planet ephemrides and orbit plots
8. Analemma
9. Twilight visualization
10. Sun, planet and star compass
11. Celestial object monitor (altitude and azimuth gauges)
12. Minima of Algol schedule
13. Pleiades Chart
14. Space travel simulation
15. Online references, incl. a Local Star Chart
16. Solar System Model
17. and much more...