This Version of Unyverse_contacts was added on 10-07-2015 in our apps store. It has been downloaded for free by 129 times by our valuable users. Download Latest Version of Unyverse_contacts for Free. is online mobile phone app stock so you come and enjoy unlimited free downloads. Other versions of Unyverse_contacts may also available in our Mobile App store you can search them from related software category.
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Screen Shots:
Automatic Contact Synchronization with your Unyverse Web Account : all your contacts are synced between your mobile phone and your web account.
Import all your phone and SIM card contacts to Unyverse for easy backup and management
iPhone like user interface. With its very clean iPhone like user interface and navigation, Unyverse enables instant and intuitive access to all information you need on the go.
New Contact: Enter the Home and Mobile phone, Email, Address, Company, Notes.
Quick Contact Lookup: Browse the complete list of contacts and filter by typing the first few letters of the name.
One click call : simply click on the Call menu item to call the selected contact
Groups: Create groups to organize your contacts by e.g. Family, Friends, Business, etc...
Skype and Google maps integration : on your web account, you can call any contact via Skype and locate the contact adress with Google Maps
The mobile user story:
Send a contact quickly from your desktop to your phone
“ I was sitting at my desk and had to leave within two minutes to meet someone. I was in a rush and needed to take the contact's mobile phone number and directions to the meeting place along with me. I logged on to Unyverse on my desktop and in a few clicks copy-and-pasted the info into a new contact. And there it was on my mobile ”
Compatible Devices
LG KS10, Nokia 3230, Nokia 3250, Nokia 3600, Nokia 3620, Nokia 3650, Nokia 3660, Nokia 5500, Nokia 5700, Nokia 6110, Nokia 6120, Nokia 6260, Nokia 6290, Nokia 6600, Nokia 6620, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6670, Nokia 6680, Nokia 6681, Nokia 7610, Nokia 7650, Nokia 7710, Nokia E50, Nokia E60, Nokia E61, Nokia E61i, Nokia E62, Nokia E65, Nokia E70, Nokia E90, Nokia N-Gage, Nokia N-Gage QD, Nokia N70, Nokia N71, Nokia N72, Nokia N73, Nokia N75, Nokia N76, Nokia N77, Nokia N80, Nokia N90, Nokia N91, Nokia N93i, Nokia N95, Nokia Series 60, Panasonic X700, Panasonic X800, Samsung SGH-i520, SendoX, Siemens SX1