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Wdbviewer Plus 1.1
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Synchronize any desktop side database Wirelessly
with your Symbian S60 3rd and 5th Edition Device
(3G, EDGE or Wi-Fi). Changes on Symbian device
can synchronize wirelessly and instantly to
desktop database. Also, any modifications to the
desktop database can wirelessly and instantly sent to Symbian device, so you will always have the
most current information at your fingertips. It
allows to sync with Microsoft Access, Microsoft
Excel and any ODBC Compliant database like
Oracle, SQL Server etc. Features: * Synchronize any
desktop side database Wirelessly on your Symbian S60 3rd and 5th Edition Device. (3G, EDGE or Wi-Fi).
* Synchronize only updated desktop data to
Symbian device automatically. * Add/Edit/Delete
data on Symbian device, which will be immediately
transfer to database on your PC wirelessly. * Apply
SQL Select queries, Filters, Sort the fields and Push data according to it. * Supported Databases: MS
Access, MS Excel, Oracle, SQL Server, FoxPro, dBase
and any ODBC Compliant Database. * Make a phone
call for the selected field''s numeric contents, which
will be treated as a phone number. * Find and Find
again option to search a record. * Easy navigation in both Record and Grid view using shortcut keys.
* Data is secured as 128 bit AES used for
encryption. * Supports Unicode language database
such as Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Russian
etc. * Synchronize data on SD Card.