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Sunny Seeds Find Pairs Puzzle Game
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* Ranked as the #1 App in the overall chart in 8 countries. A TOP 10 Game in 33 countries! *
* Over 1.6 million users tried "Sunny Seeds" game. Are you next? *
Clear the field from all numbers.
You should find pairs of identical numbers or with sum equal to 10. The numbers should be placed on the same level horizontally or vertically and between them should not be the other numbers.
- Campaign mode with 64 exciting & unique levels;
- 3 Freegame modes: Classic, Advanced and Crazy! All this modes have additional specific rules & limitations. How to play you will find inside the game.
CLASSIC GAMEPLAY: The most simple rules, but the most difficult game.
ADVANCED GAMEPLAY: Additional feature of this gameplay is allow move numbers horizontally.
CRAZY GAMEPLAY: Are you bored? Then try this one! You can move numbers horizontally & vertically. But:
- each few seconds will appear a new pair of numbers on the field.
- each few seconds two numbers will swap there positions;
- it's move numbers all time...
You can gain experience for each completed level. You can sign in (via email or Facebook) and safe your progress. Also add your friends & challenge with them!
Try this game.
It will surprise you!
Every level has solution. If you cannot complete level - try to do this in another way ;-)
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