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Boaters Pocket Reference 3.2
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Hundreds of pages of boating information on your iPhone,iPod Touch or iPad! The Boater’s Pocket Reference caters to all levels of boating expertise with a wide variety of content including 800 illustrations and photographs and a myriad of charts and graphs. Boater’s Pocket Reference is a popular and useful printed book and the app is even better.
Handy, Fact-Filled Boating Guide
Boater’s Pocket Reference offers handy, how-to-do-it information and reference facts, figures, formulas, graphs, and tables about boating.
Who needs this book?
New boaters: This app provides an extensive introduction to all aspects of boating.
Experienced boaters: A great reference and memory jogger.
Everyone who wants to make their boating safer and more enjoyable.
* Piloting and Navigation—including the use of charts, GPS, radar, and sonar.
* Communications—VHF, SSB, satellite.
* U.S. and Canadian Coast Guard boating regulations
* International, U.S., and Canadian Navigation Rules (Rules of the Road)
* Understanding aids to navigation
* Understanding weather—air movement, fronts, clouds, weather maps.
* Boat types, design, and construction as well as boating terminology
* The essentials of good seamanship—the basics of operating a boat.
* Marlinespike seamanship—lines and knots—including 50 different knots.
* Mechanical—engines and propellers.
* Electrical—circuits, DC and AC wiring, batteries, chargers, inverters, lightning.
* Boat trailering tips, techniques, maintenance, wiring.
* General reference tables—time zones, holidays, weight and volume of liquids, and more.
* Extensive unit conversion tables
* Boating resources—organizations, phone numbers, web sites, including Coast Guard and Power Squadron.
* Glossary of marine terminology.
* Over 100 boating-related calculators.
No boater can afford to be without this valuable and handy guide.
About the Author
Thomas McEwen is an avid boater and former mining engineer. Tom is also a member of the Boulder Valley Sail and Power Squadron in Colorado.
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