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Diets_full Ver. 2.04
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MobiSystems Diets is specially designed to facilitate your dieting and life-style needs on the go. Do you need to lose weight, get in shape, or simply watch what you eat? MobiSystems Diets enables you to set up a weight loss program and begin the journey towards the body you want.
Will Help You to Get and Stay on Track
In five intuitive steps users can specify body profile and weight objective and start a healthier nutrition. Based on user profile the program recommends weight goal and calorie intake plan. Define User Profile-Input your personal information - height, weight, age, activity, and gender. MobiSystems Diets will automatically calculate the calories you burn during the day.
Set Weight Goal- Set a weight loss or gain goal by specifying aimed weight and target date. Now you are ready to start monitoring your progress with charts and graphs.
Keep Track of Your Meals- Record everything you eat. With MobiSystems Diets you will always know where you stand and have nutritional information of the foods you have eaten for the day according to the set weight loss program.
Enter your Sport Activities for the Day
Always Know Where You Stand- Make regular check-ins to track your intake for the day. MobiSystems Diets allows you to check your status not only for the current day but also for each day since your have started a diet.
Important Thousands of Basic Foods
The program can also be used as a reference tool for the nutrient content of foods and help users in making knowledgeable decisions what to eat. MobiSystems Diets comes with an extensive editable foods base of over 6,500 items categorized in 24 basic groups. For each food item is kept information about the calorie, fats, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber.
Diets 5 are empowered with the National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, release 17 that is developed by the Nutrient Data Laboratory (NDL) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. The NDL and its predecessor organizations in USDA have been compiling and developing food composition databases for over a century. NDL has an interdisciplinary staff composed of nutritionists, dietitians, food technologists, and computer specialists.
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