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Funtown Splashtown U.s.a. 2.11
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Funtown Splashtown USA is Northern New England's largest family-themed amusement and water park. Some of the largest attractions in Northern New England are here in sunny Saco Maine. And now, all the information you could ever want to know about Funtown Splashtown USA is available right on your iPhone or iPod Touch! This is particularly useful for season pass holders who need to know daily information quickly!
Here are just a few of the many great features:
• The first screen has all the information you'll need for the day! From the park's status, to weather, to events, we've got you covered!
• Enjoy a beautiful calendar to check park hours and events for any day during the season!
• A full directory of Funtown Splashtown USA rides and attractions, each with its own description, picture and height requirements! Some even have their own videos!
• The Park Map in a compact digitized form! Forget about carrying a park map around all day, you've got one right on your phone! And now, the park map will even show you your current location when you are inside the park!
• Push notifications so you'll always be inside the loop!
• Request music for the Thunderbolt right from your app! Simply open the app when you are nearby! (Your Bluetooth must be on.)