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Gel Swatch Library Hd 2.0.2
Screen Shots:
A new version for a new platform!
In addition to all of the functionality of the iPhone version of the Gel Swatch Library allowing you to browse and compare thousands of gels from Apollo, GAM, Lee and Rosco, we have added the following new features:
- Projects! You can now create multiple lists of gel colors, include notes with the individual gels and email the project from your iPad.
- HSL color picker.
- Search filters (include only specific manufacturers in your search).
- Access to measured transmission data in the graph views.
The Gel Swatch Library lets you:
- Search gels by name or number
- Sort gels by number or how they're arranged in the physical swatchbook (in ascending or descending order)
- Compare similar and complementary colors
- Examine each color's detailed Spectral Energy Distribution graphs
- View CMY/RGB percentages for any color
- See the last 21 colors visited with the "Recently Viewed Colors" list
- Send comments directly to the developer at Wybron with the "Feedback" button
The Gel Swatch Library is perfect for:
- Theatres
- Churches
- Cruise ships
- Corporate events
- Educational theater programs
- Nightclubs
- Theatrical dealers
- And many more areas of the lighting world!