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Gettysburg 1863 1.51
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'students of history will be enthralled ... great for research or military strategy enthusiasts' – School Library Journal
One of the most important moments in the history of the American Civil War, the battle of Gettysburg marked the point at which the Confederacy lost its best chance to win the war and secede from the Union.
• Watch the detailed map animation, showing the formations, attacks and development of the battle over three days.
• Listen to the audio commentary and follow the full course of the assault.
• Read the 3000 word historical account of the background, the course of the action and the aftermath to Gettysburg.
• View the gallery, which includes photographs and artworks of the generals, soldiers, battle sites and weaponry. Locator maps show you where the battle happened and charts give you a breakdown of the numbers of forces on each side.
• Try out your knowledge with the battle quiz. Do you know just how young General Custer was at Gettysburg? Or that repeating rifles were being tested at Gettysburg? Or that it was shoes that the Confederates hoped to find in the Gettysburg warehouse? Or that there are just 200 words in President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address?
This is history at hand – one of the major events in world history on your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.