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Gun Toolbox 1.3
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Gun ToolBox is an application for Gun Owners made by Gun Owners.
Manage all your guns and ammo in one place:
Application Main Features:
* Add all your guns information and photos (up to 3 photos).
* Add all your ammunition information and photos (up to 3 photos).
* Set Maintenance Alarms for each of your guns, based on the ammunition fired through each gun.
* Keep track of the amount of ammunition fired through each gun ('Odometer' feature).
* A Maintenance alert and icon will appear next to your gun, once your maintenance interval has been reached.
* Keep track of your ammunition inventory. Ammunition inventory is updated, every time you record firing your gun.
* Add more ammunition to inventory through a quick add window.
* New Tool for recording accessories for each gun.
* New Tool for keeping track gun and accessories cost ($).
* Keep track of gun Serial Numbers and Manufacturer web sites.
* Passcode Protection.
* Allow the input of multi-caliber guns.
* Zoom on any photo, for more photo details.
* Guns and Ammo Sorting (by gun type, caliber, brand, inventory, ascending, descending).
* Improved Zoom View, where multiple pictures can be viewed by scrolling.
* Classify your guns by type: Pistol, Rifle and Shotguns.
* New database fields for guns: Purchase Date, Miscellaneous and Other Calibers.
* New database fields for ammo: Shotgun calibers, Ammo Cost and Miscellaneous.
* Capability to reduce and increase ammo inventory.
* Capability to Reduce, Increase and Reset the Fire Counter.
* Add Pictures to accessories
* Capability to create accessories without assigning them to a specific gun.
* New database fields for accessories: Brand, Model, and Serial Number.
* File Sharing capabilities via iTunes.
* Capability to export app data via e-mail (.csv and .sqlite). Export data and store in your computer for back up; then restore via iTunes file sharing.
Gun ToolBox provides a set of tools to help you keep your guns organized by storing your guns information and photos, and tracking how much ammunition has been fired through it. Additionally, and based on a maintenance alarm set by the user, the application will alert you when maintenance is required for a particular gun. Once the maintenance interval is reached, a maintenance icon will appear next to the applicable gun. Once the Maintenance is completed, you can click on the maintenance icon to reset the alarm.
Gun ToolBox also let you keep a database of all your ammunition and the quantity you have of each. Not only that, the application will automatically update your inventory, once you record the use of your gun with the 'Fire Counter' tool. Also, if you buy more ammunition, just 'Tap' the 'Plus' icon next to your ammunition and add the purchased quantity.
Gun ToolBox let you establish maintenance alarms, individually for each gun; therefore, giving the user visibility of which guns need maintenance and which not. Also, Gun ToolBox provides a counter that keeps track of all ammunition fired through the gun; making this feature the equivalent to an 'Odometer' in a car.
Gun ToolBox is an essential tool for any gun owner; Keep your guns safe and ready for use by accurately keeping track of their maintenance schedules and ammunition on hand.