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Hd Pearl Harbor 1.0
Screen Shots:
HD Pearl Harbor ENCYCLOPEDIA: On December 7, 1941 Japan carried out the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. It was aimed at the Pacific Fleet United States Navy and air forces defending the area. This was due to the expansion from Japan to China and the U.S. and the UK would cut oil supplies to Japan if it continued its attack toward expansionist China.
You can copy full text and full HD pictures, to paste and send by eMail or to paste to any document inside your device to share or study later.
You can zoom ( in / out ) all text and graphics, using two fingers to enlarge or doble TAP.
Also this information, pictures and information works great horizontally and vertically position.
This encyclopedic of Pearl Harbor digital studio can be used for university, college, or within the family and extend our knowledge.
You can learn and study in the Encyclopedia topics like, History, Surface ships, Japan attacks, etc and much more ...
The topics covered by this fabulous Encyclopedia are:
21 Topics ( HD Pearl Harbor )
History ( VOLUME I )
Artillery Used ( VOLUME II )
Global Impact ( VOLUME III )
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