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Illo13 The 3x3 International Illustration Directory 1.0
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An easy-to-use guide exhibiting the work of over 255 illustrators from around the globe.
If you're an art director, art buyer, graphic designer or editor who commissions illustration our 2013 directory was curated with you in mind. We’ve gathered 255 internationally-recognized illustrators and selected single images to represent each unique style. We’ve divided the directory into thirteen helpful categories making it easier to find the perfect illustrator for each project. What else sets this directory apart? Being part of the only publication covering the world of contemporary illustration since 2003. Enjoy.
• Cover-to-cover digital version of our printed directory at your fingertips
• Search directory by thirteen distinct categories
• Easy-to-use table of contents lets you quickly scan each category
• Full-page images let you see the detail of each artist's work
• Pop-up direct links to both the illustrator's web site and email
View our illustrator group online at
If you're a fan of illustration check out our tri-annual magazine including current show winners from our juried competitions at