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Interni Fuorisalone 2014 4.0.2
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Guida FuoriSalone 2014
The new Interni Guida FuoriSalone 2014 application, for iPhone and iPad, is a free tool released specifically for the events of the 2014 Milan Design Week. The application offers constantly updated info on over 500 events taking place around the city, helping visitors to experience the FuoriSalone in the fullest, most efficient way. It is a simple, intuitive way to find events (by name, alphabetical listing, Day by Day and location). Thanks to geolocation, it helps visitors discover how to get to each event, with maps showing points of interest. This new tool, that joins the other Interni publications in the April 2014 system, represents the natural evolution of the Interni FuoriSalone Guide. The application also offers the rich content from the very selective Zee Milan Guide, indicating over 300 places of design interest in Milan, including hotels, restaurants, bars, shops, galleries and spas.