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Ndconvert Unit Converter 1.9.4
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NDConvert is a powerful unit converter designed and built for both the technical professional and casual user.
NDConvert focuses on reliability, speed and usability through rigorous cross checking of conversion data and by minimising unnecessary animations present in other unit converters.
Its features include:
* Simple Elegant user interface.
* Quick switch between units from and units to.
* Automatic calculation of conversions.
* Comprehensive cross checking of unit conversations against multiple sources.
* Conversion history navigation to cycle through past conversions.
* Large keypad buttons to minimise input error.
* Automatic copy of conversion results to the clipboard for use in other applications.
Unit categories included in this version include Acceleration, Angles, Angular Acceleration, Area, Molar Concentration, Charge, Currency, Data, Density, Electrical Conductance, Electrical Inductance, Electric Potential, Electrical Resistance, Energy, Flow (Volumetric and Mass), Force, Fuel Consumption, Heat Transfer Coefficient, Heat Flux Density, Length, Magnetic Flux, Magnetic Flux Density, Moment of Inertia, Power, Pressure, SI Prefixes, Sound, Specific Heat Capacity, Surface Tension, Temperature, Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Resistance, Time, Velocity, Viscosity (Kinematic and Dynamic), Volume, and Weight.
With 738 different units and 40 different unit categories you can be assured that the unit conversion you need is available without having to sort through thousands of redundant units.
If you would like to provide feedback to further enhance this product please do so via our website.