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Pdf Reader By App Industries 1.0
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■ »» Keep up with up-to-date possibilities.
■ »» Don’t miss the chance of improving the reading power of your iDevice!
►• With Pdf Reader By App Industries software, your device will easily handle PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT, TXT and other office file formats!
□□□ Pdf Reader By App Industries can be easily integrated with your computer via Wi-Fi server, giving you the chance of selecting the place and time for reading your office files.
You know the importance of it, especially under the circumstances of rigid life schedule.
■ »» You have the possibility of reading to the end different documents, which you didn’t manage to view at home or in the office, reading books on the road, using cheat sheets on exams, viewing maps and tables or showing them to anybody, being far from your computer.
□□□ The interface of this software combines all technical sophistications necessary for convenient navigation and review of documents under any mobile circumstances.
With this software you can easily and quickly open even large files and adjust the font to your eyesight, which is especially appropriate during the exams.
• Work with PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT, TXT, Image, Video files.
• Integrated Web-browser for searching and downloading files.
• Integrated Wi-Fi server.
• Convenient navigation through the document.
• Possibility of increasing the text font.
• Automatic selection of links, phone numbers, e-mail addresses.
• Convenient reading of large files.
• Sleep mode option.
►• Pdf Reader By App Industries is the most convenient and efficient office files player. It is universal and with it you will save yourself from searching certain corresponding options in any other similar applications.