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Scry Free 3.0
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Scry Free gives you quick and easy access to the d20 version 3.5 System Reference Document (SRD) as well as the Pathfinder SRD.
This information includes races, classes, feats, skills, spells, magic items, monster, traits and psionic powers compatible with the d20 System version of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) and other various role playing games.
Unlike some other similar apps, Scry allows you to drill down in categories to get to more specific subsets of data instead of having to wade through a huge list of information. For instance, you can view a list of all the spells, or drill down to view all the spells for a particular class or drill down even further to view only the spells for a particular level for the selected class.
Scry is built as a Universal App which means it has been designed for both iPhone and iPad in one application. So, the one app will run natively on an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. No need to pay separately for the iPhone and iPad versions like many other apps do.
This free version is supported with ads. There is also a paid for versioni which does not display any ads.