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Trees Of Britain Hd 1.3
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Featured in the Sunday Telegraph - 250 best iPad apps: reference - Telegraph June 2011
The Trees of Britain app contains identification guides on common trees found in the UK. It will help all nature lovers identify trees whilst out and about.
The app has the following features:
- 72 tree guides, with more added with each update
- 562 detailed images of the trees listed, showing tree, leaf, bark and seed.
- A to Z list of trees
- Family screen where by the trees are split down into families
- Favorites screen where you can store your favorite trees
- Detailed information on each tree listed
- Many pictures for each tree listed, helping with the identification process
- Search screen
- tree identify section, which helps you identify trees using there characteristics, such as leaf shape and arrangement
- Fast and simple to use
Currently the app contains 72 trees but we will be adding more with each update.
If there is a tree that you think we have missed and you would like to see it listed, then please drop us an email at and we'll see what we can do.