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World Camera 1.0
Screen Shots:
► World Camera app allows you to use your Apple device as a source of bright and exciting journeys to the most different points of the world.
► Now you have the ability to spy the world with the help of advanced video surveillance system, which has the most extensive coverage.
It Supports Retina Display for the new iPad
□□□ More than 5000 cameras, for live broadcasts in the universities, central squares, shops, parks, mountains, beaches, resorts, clubs and other interesting places around the world, which you can see only looking at the screen of your device.
World Camera – this is an opportunity to learn what is happening now in the places where you physically can not be, and spy the people who do not have any idea that zou are looking after them.
■ »» You will get many new impressions of the virtual visits to places where you have never been!
Now, without moving from home, you can whatch how the St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on the main streets and pubs of Ireland, to watch how the sun rises over the Everest or to watch one sad bear in a Polish zoo.
Easy to find, to switch, to remember because of the convenient interface with a well organized navigation system.
• Access to 5000 cameras in more than 77 countries around the world
• Random camera selection
• The catalog is organized by country and city
• It specifies the location of the camera and the local time.
• You can enlarge the image.
• Add the camera to your Favourites
• Intelligent and quick search
• 8 different types of review.
• You can search for cameras using the satellite map of the world
◄ World Camera – an easy and honest guide to the world that cleary tells you about what is going on in the most remote and difficult to reach places of our planet.