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X Ray Utilities 1.1
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The X-rayUtils app is a reference utility application for the iPhone, iTouch, and iPad. Perfect for synchrotron scientists and other x-ray users! These are all the things that I always wish I had easy access to at a beam line. The utility is composed of four parts:
* Status - shows the current storage ring monitors of several synchrotron facilities around the world. Shake your device if you're bored to display one at random! Can't find the synchrotron that you use? Contact me and you just might see it in the next release!
* Lines - Will display the general atomic properties, absorption edges, and fluorescence lines (with yields) for elements hydrogen through californium. A must for the x-ray absorption experimenter or microprobe user.
* Abs - Don't know how much your kapton windows absorb at Cu? Wondering if that meter of air path will absorb all your x-rays? The x-ray absorption calculator will tell you! This utility Will calculate the absorption length and total absorption of any compound, given the x-ray energy, chemical formula, density and thickness of the compound of interest. Includes a list of common compounds.
* Ion Chambers - Ever wonder how much x-ray flux is really in your experiment? By entering the basic properties of the ion chamber in your experiment (gas composition, pressure, energy, chamber length, measured voltage and amplifier gain) you will get the x-ray flux in photons per second.