This Version of Adl_uiq3 was added on 10-06-2016 in our apps store. It has been downloaded for free by 468 times by our valuable users. Download Latest Version of Adl_uiq3 for Free. is online mobile phone app stock so you come and enjoy unlimited free downloads. Other versions of Adl_uiq3 may also available in our Mobile App store you can search them from related software category.
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Do you need to protect important information and personal data that you have stored in your phone? Do you need to restrict the access to certain applications? Do you need to stay confident that the important data in your phone will be protected even if the phone is stolenIf you need all this, you obviously need Advanced Device Locks.
Advanced Device Locks is a Symbian OS application for locking the phone or selected applications only, such as Messages, Pictures, Contacts, Video or any other. With Advanced Device Locks you can secure important information and personal data stored on your phone by locking it up with a secret code up to 7 characters long. With ADL the information in the phone will be protected even if the phone is stolen.
Advanced Device Locks allows you to lock your phone automatically by choosing one of the following options:
* Always - each time the phone is turned on, it asks for the unlock code.
* When SIM Changed - the locks are on if the SIM card of the phone is changed.
* Automatic lock - an automatic lock is switched on after a specified period of inactivity in minutes.
* Protected applications - this option turns on the device locks if someone tries to access the protected applications.
With Advanced Device Locks you have the unique option to choose whether to lock the phone itself, to lock selected applications on it or to combine these two options and lock both the phone and certain applications. The lock code can be changed very easily only with a few clicks.
1. Download Advanced Device Lock and ADL_UIQ3 from my uploads.
2. Install Advanced Device Lock. After installing do not open the application yet.
3. Install ADL_UIQ3
4. Restart your phone.
5. Enjoy the ADL full version!.. =)