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Advanced Blocker 2.1
Screen Shots:
You no longer need to turn off
your phone just to avoid
interruptions – just enable
Advanced Blocker and leave it
to the software to filter
unwanted and unimportant calls and messages while you
enjoy your privacy.
How does it work?
* Create a blacklist rule: to
block certain contacts from
calling/texting you, you just need to import them in the
application. You can import
contacts from phonebook,
from the phone log and
manually. Hidden callers can
also be blocked! * Visual indicator on the
stand-by screen monitors AB’s
activity and shows you if there
are new blocked calls/
* Incoming calls (voice and video) are blocked with a
busy tone. Messages (text
messages, MMS and WAP push
messages) are silently filtered
with no sound or light
indication. * Blocked History log shows
you all new blocked events.
* Details of each rejected event
are logged; blocked messages
can be read and restored.
Here are some key features of "Advanced Blocker":
· Silent instant reject of all
blacklisted numbers, number
patterns and text rules
· Auto-start mode - option to
automatically start-up AB after phone restart
· Blocking of fixed numbers or
groups of numbers (wildcard
* number filters)
· Discreet activity indicator on
the phone’s stand-by screen · Various contact import
options – import from the
phone’s log, from phone’s
contact book, manual import
· Blocked history log for
detailed history of filtered events
· Visual indicators providing
instant overview of all new
blocked events in the blacklist
rules main screen
· Blocked messages can be easily viewed and restored
· Full reject entry log with
details screen for each
blocked event
· Customizable reject options
for blacklisted contacts – you can select what kind of events
to accept or reject from each
number – calls, SMS, MMS, WAP
push messages.