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Avira 2009 0.00
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If your mobile phone has Internet access, it is
essential to have a good antivirus that
safeguards you from all the attacks that are
in the web, since your data loss may imply that
years of work or thousands of photographs
with your memories cannot be recovered. Avira AntiVir Mobile is a powerful antivirus that offers a very good service, since by just
installing it, it will take care of everything.
Having real-time protection, you will be
protected at any moment. The program transmission is performed
through the coupling with the local PC (PDA) or
through Bluetooth, IrDA, GPRS or serial cable. Avira AntiVir Mobile supports the following devices: Nokia 3230, 6260, 6600, 6620,
6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 7610, N70 y
N72, Panasonic X700 and X800 and Samsung
SGH-Z600, SGH-D720 and SGH-D730. Apart
from the new Nokia 9300 and 9500