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Bestcrypto 3.0.1
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Protect your private photos, voice and sound files, videos, confidential documents - just any kind of files on your S60 3rd edition! Has a desktop companion.
Every smartphone user stores sensitive data on his device. It could be private photos, confidential voice notes, business documents, etc. You don't want an unauthorized person to get access to your confidential or private data, do you?
Best Crypto application is designed for electronic data protection. It provides you with a user-friendly graphical interface for encrypting and decrypting your sensitive data. Behind easy to use interface, its powerful cryptography engine is using industry standard secure crypto algorithms (RC6 (ECB-Mode) ciphering with 256-bits keys and MD5 algorithm) to give you absolute, almost unbreakable security.
Features include:
* Versions for other mobile platforms and desktop PC are available
* Cryptography engine is using industry standard secure crypto algorithm (RC6 (ECB-Mode) ciphering with 256-bits keys and MD5 algorithm)
* Handles files of any type and size
* No back doors or escrow keys - Be careful not to forget your password
* Built-in File Browser
* Built-in File Shredder