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Forget Password To Unlock N73
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INSTALL THE Nemesis Service Suite(later named as NSS)
Here's how to reset Security code on BB5 Nokias (Tested On N73 "s60 3rd edition").
Download Nemesis Service Suite(later named as NSS)
Remove SimCard And Plug Your Phone In PCSuite Mode
You need a Data cable that comes with your phone and Nemesis Service Suite(later named as NSS) installed on your PC.
Start NSS and click on magnifier glass - marked with mouse cursor.
When driver and other NSS software informations are displayed,click on big Phone Info (1.) button and then on little Scan (2.) button.If everything is OK you will get message Done! (field marked with arrow).
Now click on big Tools (1.) button,then click on tab Factory Settings (2.)
Make sure u select LOCAL* ( 3.) from drop down menu .Select FULL FACTORY SETTING * (4.) ! " THERE IS SYMBIAN CHECK BOX LEAVE IT ALONE, Dont check it "FINAL CLICK" alt="" class="smilies"/> click RESET
unplug your mobile restart it and NOW YOUR LOCK CODE IS 12345" alt="" class="smilies"/>