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Kaspersky Anti Virus Mobile Updated 6.0.80
Screen Shots:
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Mobile 6.0 is a convenient and reliable solution that protects your mobile from malicious programs that target mobile platforms.
Reliable protection
On-demand scanning.
You can launch a scan of your mobile at any time. Scanning the memory of a mobile device takes several minutes at most. It is possible to focus scanning on memory cards, individual folders and files. If an infected object is detected, it is stored in the quarantine folder or deleted.
On-access scanning
All incoming or modified SMS, MMS and email items are automatically scanned for malicious programs. The product also monitors executable files arriving via Bluetooth and other connection channels.
On-schedule scanning
You can pre-set the best time for antivirus scanning (for example, at night). Kaspersky Anti-Virus Mobile removes any infected objects and stores suspicious objects in quarantine. You have the option of viewing reports on suspicious objects and making the final decision.
How to update
download and save the kaspersky update file from the following link :
when download complete, open kaspersky antivirus and go to settings -> updates -> update from mobile.
now click on update button and kaepersky will be updated.
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