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Kaspersky Mobile Security 9.04109 9.04109
Screen Shots:
Platform: S60v3, v5, S^3
Language[s: English & Russian
Signature: Unsigned
Req.: ONLY for hacked phones!
The product provides the following options:
● scanning of the file system for viruses and other types of malware on demand or according to a preset schedule;
● antiviral scanning of files on access;
● quarantining of infected files and the remedying of some of them;
● updating of databases on demand or according to a preset schedule via GPRS-Internet, Wi-Fi, EDGE or ActiveSync (for the Windows Mobile version
● blocking of unwanted SMS’s and calls;
● blocking of the user’s data if the device is lost or stolen;
● deletion of the user’s data if the device is lost or stolen;
● protection of the device against TCP/IP protocol network attacks;
● creation of folders in which to store encrypted files;
● allows the location of the phone to be remotely identified (if the device is equipped with a GPS receiver
● blocking of outgoing calls and SMS’s to specific numbers;
● allows the temporary concealment/restoration of personal information.
The easy-to-use intuitive interface helps the user to manage the product.
The product is installed in the main memory of the mobile device only.
Product components:
Kaspersky Mobile Security 9.0 includes the following components:
● Anti-Virus
● Anti-Spam
● Anti-Theft
● Firewall
● Encryption
● Parental control
● Privacy Protection
How to use:
● Open full access to drive C:\ (by ROMPatcher | open4all.rmp)
enjoy ********** hey add FAV plzzzzzzzzzz