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Testing the Recovered Master Password You can also verify the retrieved password. Master Password Unlock software make it automatically after "Test the Password " button pressing. The test result will be displayed in a log field as a last log entry. Master Password Unlock for Access LOG erasing Program log can be erased by pressing the "Clear the result log" button of a program menu. Also You can erase it by pressing a right mouse button and "Clear" popup choosing. Master Password Unlock for Access program help Software help is provided with software. It is also available online on our site. (See the links below) Register the Master Password for Access software Trial software has limited functionality. Why, you can read in a software FAQ section. If you want to become a registered user, you should purchase it. After purchasing you will get the personal serial number. You will be able to enter it in the appropriate program field to unlock it. Now you known how to remove Master Password or retrieve the forgotten or lost password as soon as possible with ourMaster Password Unlock Tool for Access (download it). You will have to go t osite to have a full version... hope so you have unlocked many passwords while using this application.. thank you...