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Netqin Anti Virus V4.0.38.12 4.00
Screen Shots:
NetQin Anti-virus is compact and powerful scanning capabilities and identify the infected files and malicious computer viruses and is mobile.
Program algorithm is such that the lowest occupied Ram and spend less time together to get scans.
Excellent antivirus software for your smartphone. NetQin Anti-Virus is perfect for cutting and virus threats - while scanning a little more than Kaspersky. NetQin can delete infected files inside the sis-distributions, without touching the rest. When you open an infected file, as well as when receiving positive messages, a dialog box with a warning and request for deletion.
Options allow you to set the level of protection and auto- run anti-virus monitor.
Features Antivirus NetQin Anti-Virus:
"Update the antivirus database manually, and on schedule, straight out of the program;
"Scanning and SISX SIS packages for the presence of vredonostnyh objects;
"Checking ZIP, RAR and JAR packages for the presence of objects vredonostnyh
"The ability to select the scan area;
"Crawling on on