This Version of Netqin mobile guard 3.0 3.0 was added on 09-07-2015 in our apps store. It has been downloaded for free by 170 times by our valuable users. Download Latest Version of Netqin mobile guard 3.0 3.0 for Free. is online mobile phone app stock so you come and enjoy unlimited free downloads. Other versions of Netqin mobile guard 3.0 3.0 may also available in our Mobile App store you can search them from related software category.
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Netqin Mobile Guard 3.0 3.0
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NetQin Mobile Guard also known as M Guard is another NetQin package that focuses on the well-being of the device software.
This new version proposes a new look from the classic green theme, along with new features.
OS Scan: Scans all drives and also scans your phone settings and applications. It then generates a report to inform the user of their phone state, Even trivial details like Phone Display is at a too high light intensity are displayed.
Other features are Call filter, Memory Scan to show your memory status, Safe Mode which closes all non-system applications including Trojans and malware.
I'm not owner or developer of this application. I'm only helping M9ers to acquire it easily.
Download now and Add to Favorites.
Also see: NetQin Security
Run it along with M Guard for the perfect security and well-being of your device. Believe me, the RAM it will consume is neither too high nor in vain.