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Netqin Security 5.0 Pro Signed 5.00
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NetQin Security is an antivirus package that along with its user friendly interface proposes a variety of features useful for the maintenance and protection of a device.
System Scan: Allows scanning of all drives and all files for viruses or infiltration. It uses Cloud+Client Twin Scan Engine to do so and compares the results to its regularly updated virus database.
Network Manager: Allows real-time monitoring of all network package transfers occurring, hence allowing the user to control his use of the internet. A limit can be set so as to block internet access if crossed.
Backup: Allows the user to back up his contacts either to SD-Memory card or online, in a NetQin (free) account.
Many other features are included, such as Privacy Protection, SYS Optimization and Automatic Scanning of .sis files before execution.
Concluding, this is the dream security package any mobile user would want.
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Also view NetQin M Guard
Run it along with NetQin Security for the perfect Z-Security and well-being of your device. Believe me, the RAM they consume is neither too much nor in vain.