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Netquin Antivirus__ 3.2
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NetQin Mobile Anti-virus, as the first software passing authentic certification by the Ministry of Public Security and product testing by the Research Institution of China Mobile, is a trustworthy mobile product recommended by NetQin is honored as the first Symbian platinum partner in China's security field, along with the important partner of Windows Mobile in security area. At present, NetQin Anti-virus fully support the most varieties of mobile phones across the world and safeguard the handset security with all one's strength for you.Main features of NetQin Mobile Anti-virus include:
-Complete and Quick File Scanning
The core scanning engine of NetQin Mobile Anti-virus has adopted the original layer mapping technique from NetQin based on "core" features of viruses and thus, it can execute a complete scan over the User's mobile phone without negligence or mistake and guarantee information security of the mobile phone. Considering the resource and power restriction of mobile phones, NetQin has optimized both scanning algorithm and strategy to minimize the power consumption of scanning process. Moreover, user interaction during the scanning process has been taken into account. Pause or stop the process at any time, or normally use the mobile phone during scanning are doable due to the user-friendly design.
-Accurate and Real-time Monitoring
NetQin Mobile Anti-virus enables real-time monitoring over network connection and file system, and detecting and blocking virus or threats from short messages, multimedia messages, blue tooth, infra-red connection, GPRS, etc. at the earliest time
-Varied viruses removing thoroughly, and infected file restoring
NetQin Mobile Anti-virus equipped with the safe and effective anti-virus strategy can kill virus in an accurate and complete way