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Ola Ken Viet Nam Chat Yahoo And Games
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Benefits of chatting on the phone:
With a Yahoo chat software on your mobile phone can Online at anytime and at anywhere you want.
Lower SMS charges many times, as calculated with the 100d you can chat to 14000 characters. On the market today have a lot of chat on the phone software, but 8x85 has researched and selected test software best chat on the phone to provide.
With chat software provided by the 8x85, you just have Yahoo Instant Messenger you often chat on the computer that you can chat on the phone easily and quickly.
Connect directly to Yahoo's server to speed access and the sending and receiving chat message faster than ever. By the 8x85 Yahoo chat software provides the stability, absence of traffic congestion, drops to help you keep in touch with friends, relatives 24/24 hours.
Also, you have the opportunity to interact, make friends, participate in community chat on the phone with a huge number of members. Easily share your interests, passions, find their missing other half.
With these practical benefits, you still hesitate, but not quickly download a chat on the phone about right!
Following the success of FX version 3 Ola, Ola chat to release versions of Ken Ola community to chat on cell phones and chat software Ola. Along entertaining chat with Ola, and try your luck with the trip VIP hunters and create a world separate Ola character to pose the photos show any friends.
Apart from basic features like:
- Connect to Yahoo, just to connect to GPRS is able to chat Ola and Yahoo chat.
- Chat extremely fast, have fun smile, buzz, and especially the function of checking Invisible always mild.
- Send the pole was to capture features and directed, can move to another (the cost of sending SMS has 500vnd only). Take pictures with a resolution of 640x480 pixels Ola allows storage of up to 30 photos on stock photo of Ola chat.
- Very low cost, chat 7000 characters GPRS charges for the cost of 10KB, just 100vnd.
- "Karaoke list" to find your favorite songs without music to his list thick.
- Dictionary English - Vietnamese can look and learn from anywhere.
- Download free mobile game (full game very hot, Vietnamese 100%).
Many interesting features have been added to version Ola Ken, to increase user appeal and become Ola chat software on the leading mobile phone in Vietnam.
Ola supports Yahoo chat on the phone, you can just chat chat Ola has Yahoo at the same time. Very convenient.
- Most prominent is the official currency in use the name "Ken" in the system of Ola. With "Ken" in the future you will be very much like shopping, buy VIP, winning games and interchange transactions. The more your character is equipped with every pro to make sure that you can not fall directly on top of great wealth in the world Ola.
- With the money, "Ken" in Ola Ken, you can purchase a home, clothes, furniture to equip your character Ola in "Store Ola." The item will be updated continuously by the tastes and needs of people.
Purchase everything delight to shop Ola.
- From Ken Ola version, every nick of you associated with a virtual character and personal belongings in a storage system of Ola, you be free to express your personality and your interests through the characters and map this virtual store.
After purchasing and equipping it, in part, "the image" from a personal item to see how his characters lightly.
- An interesting feature in version Ola Ken that you can change with the launch of Ola favorites.
- Ola Ken also allows you to transfer your VIP to a different nick.
- And to celebrate the launch Ola Ken, Do all the exclusive VIP-drag-mon would be unlocked so that you can buy directly from the corresponding code.
- A fun little game to be included in version Ola Ken is the game "Break the Egg" Ken to win money, win exclusive VIP ... Features "beating egg-winning ICON VIP TOXIC" attract mi