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Sim Watcher
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SIM Watcher is a new tool that helps you to get hold of the new mobile number that is used on your phone in case of loss or theft. It works very easy. Just install it on your phone, register your E-mail address and/or home address. In case of loss or theft the new user of your phone will change the SIM card and that's where SIM Watcher does its job. When the mobile phone is turned on, SIM Watcher automatically checks if the right SIM card is inside the mobile phone. If it is another SIM card, SIM Watcher will send you an e- mail. This e-mail includes the mobile phone number of the new user of your mobile phone and your IMEI number. You can report your IMEI number to your phone company to have it banned from ever receiving service again. In addition to this, a pop-up window is shown to the new user of the mobile phone every ten minutes, which indicates that the phone belongs to someone else. If you have activated this option with your personal info, SIM Watcher will show your name and address, which gives honest people the opportunity to return your phone.