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Softlock V1.7 1.70
Screen Shots:
Powerful software encryption tools, optional lock is powerful. And the advantages of using a convenient glance.
Software enables:
Before using encryption, regardless of your contacts, communication
Records, SMS, photos, music, multimedia capital
Material, file management, program management, note,
Memorandum, including third-party software, games, full do the things
I, fully encrypted hidden. Soft All group only has two locks and
not lock, Clear and concise. Whether in any case, with the exception of You, face of the phone when he
was completely Stand in the door effectively
prevents a malicious attack.
"Function" 1, it will help you hide your installation of third party Software
2, you should worry about your private information
3, enables you to hide the video, pictures, Sound files, text files and other rest assured
4, does not have to worry about your mood diary written in the
mobile phone, it will also receive safety smart protection
5, to read your credit card information, bank card key Code, or read other information in the active
6, now include the option to hide your secrets Of people