This Version of Ultimate_voice_recorder was added on 08-07-2015 in our apps store. It has been downloaded for free by 122 times by our valuable users. Download Latest Version of Ultimate_voice_recorder for Free. is online mobile phone app stock so you come and enjoy unlimited free downloads. Other versions of Ultimate_voice_recorder may also available in our Mobile App store you can search them from related software category.
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Screen Shots:
Major Features:
Customizable hotkeys to record, play, pause and stop
Or simply press abc/pen key three times to start/stop recording.
Or simply press PPT key three times to start/stop recording.
Or press Up Arrow key/record button three times rapidly to start/stop recording on Nokia E61 and the similar phones with full keyboard.
No beep recording of phone calls! You can choose to have the beep on or off. Demo version only allows 5 minutes of no-beep call recording. Please be aware that this feature may not work on all firmware versions of phones including Nokia E50 and 5500.
Support recording in both AMR and WAV formats
Support recording to phone memory or directly to memory card.
Optional automatic recording of phone calls
Adjustable maximum recording length. Demo version does not allow the change of recording length.
Password protected playback
Operate in background mode or/and user interactive mode
Configurable storage locations
Automatic startup upon phone power on. You can enable/disable this through the application settings. This feature is DISABLED by default!
Automatic restarting an interrupted recording, for example, by an incoming call.
Ask for your permission before saving a recorded clip if you like.
Always ready to accept hotkeys
Easy to manage/browse the details of all recorded clips such as caller id, duration, timestamp.
Automatic stop recording at low storage space
Send the recorded clips to other phones or PC via Bluetooth, Infrared, MMS or email (email service is required for this feature)
Support sending multiple clips together.
Support automatic deletion of the clips after they are sent.
Support a default email address to use for sending.
Easy to retrieve the recorded voice clips using Nokia PC suite.