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Eat Well Argentina 1.03
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Traveling to or living in Argentina? Have special dietary needs? Or just looking to eat well and stay healthy on your travels? Either way, you are in the right place!
Eat Well Argentina is the only nutritionist-led country guide app to eating well in Argentina! Buenos Aires-based nutrition expert Romina DeFranchi and Eat Well Global founder Julie Meyer, RD are “nutritionists-in-your-pocket” in this fun, easy-to-navigate country guide.
To help you eat well, you will find insights on:
HOW TO EAT WELL: Get the most out of the health benefits of Israeli food with this nutritionist-led guide to Argentina. Features include tour of local markets, food safety information and insights on what Argentinians eat and drink to stay healthy.
WHERE TO EAT WELL: You will not go hungry with these “nutritionist-approved” listings, including restaurants, markets, delivery services and cooking schools, in Buenos Aires, Cordoba and other major cities.
EATING WELL WITH SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS: Vegan? Gluten-free? Allergic to nuts? Resources for special needs, along with translated phrases and audio files in Spanish, make it easy to order what you want.
EAT WELL AT HOME: Bring the great flavors of Argentina home with you with easy-to-prepare, authentic and healthy recipes.
Looking for global workplace wellness solutions? Eat Well Global travel apps can be customized for corporate use. And check out Eat Well for Business Travel, a fun, down-to-earth guide to avoiding the healthy-eating pitfalls of global travel.
Eat Well Argentina joins a suite of other country guide apps including Eat Well China, Eat Well Mexico, Eat Well Japan, Eat Well Israel, Eat Well Venezuela and Eat Well Thailand. Eat Well Brazil and Eat Well India will be available later this year.
NOTE: All information provided within this app is for informational purposes only, and are not endorsements or guarantees by Eat Well Global or any listed restaurants, markets or the products or services available from the app. We accept no liability nor make any endorsements nor guarantee the fitness or safety of the same. In no way is any of the content in this app to be construed as medical advice or instruction. All information provided in this app is referenced to acknowledge the source of the information and is believed to be accurate based on the best judgment of the authors and contributors as of the app’s release date.