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Fair Fare Meter 1.0
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Free Dynamic GPS Based Auto/Taxi Fare Calculator
No longer do passengers need to be at the mercy of errant drivers! No more relying on tampered fare conversion charts!
Now with Fair Fare you can track your commute and pay the correct amount. With the inbuilt map you can see the route being taken and make sure it is the optimal one. Fair Fare runs in the background, once started, to measure actual distance travelled and provides the correct amount to pay.
Fair Fare automatically detects the city and applies night charge to calculate the fare for the selected vehicle.
Fair Fare is now available for the following cities with more coming soon:
Navi Mumbai
Disclaimer: The accuracy of the meter is dependent on the weather conditions etc. Use the information to argue with the driver at your own risk! Report tampered meters to your nearest RTO. Edge/3G is required for usage.