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Findery Every Place Has A Story 3.0.1
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Findery is the treasure map of your life.
From local lore to travel stories, learn more about your favorite places and the places that are next on your list, near or far.
You’ll never forget where you adopted your puppy, where you fell in love or your when you repeatedly asked “would you like fries with that shake?”. And did you know that there’s a wild horse sanctuary nearby? That Janis Joplin sang at your local bar when she was 19? That a famous author lived down the street?
Leave notes around the world about the places you’ll never forget and the places your friends shouldn’t miss.
Find new places through the experiences of others, their local tips, little-known facts, lost histories and hidden treasures.
Collect and create notes about the places and destinations you want to explore. Start dreaming!
Findery strives to create meaningful products for people who want to experience the world and connect with a global community. The Findery team is passionate about discovery, travel, personal stories and technology.